Monday, June 21, 2010

Knee Appointment

I made an appointment today to see Dr. Shiple next Tuesday for an evaluation of my knee-it's possible I see him earlier if there is a cancellation. I will also have x-rays taken of my hip next week and I will send them to Boston to see how my pelvis is healing. If the bones have begun to fuse and heal I will be given more weight-bearing privileges. Of course who knows if I will even be able to given the amount of pain my knee causes at this point! I am interested to see the difference between my x-rays taken at 8 days post-op (while I was in the hospital) and those taken at 1 month. I hope the bones are healing well and I can at least feel as if I have made progress in this recovery!


  1. I hope everything is healing well to. It is really neat to see the before and after xrays and all the inbetween ones too. It is fascinating how bone works.

  2. I am getting my x-ray today so I will post them when I get back! I don't expect it to be fully healed but it would be nice to see some progress!
