Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders. There are 13 subtypes. I have Hypermobile/hEDS (formerly Type III). Connective tissues are made up of proteins that support skin, bones, blood vessels, and other organs. They make up about 80% of the human body. In hEDS, patients present with an unusually large range of joint movement (hypermobility). The loose joints are unstable and prone to dislocation, chronic pain, and early-onset arthritis. There is no cure and treatment plans are individualized.

Because connective tissue can be found all throughout the body, there are a lot of secondary conditions that are believed to be connected to EDS-- IBS, Dysautonomia (POTS, orthostatic hypotension, neurocardiogenic syncope), Chiari Malformation, asthma, heart complications (Mitral Valve Prolapse), gastroparesis---the list continues.

For more information please consider visiting the following EDS links.
The Ehlers-Danlos Society
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Network C.A.R.E.S.
EDS Today

Chiari and EDS (same link also on Chiari tab)

Books: (I recommend both of these books. Great for educating yourself on EDS, as well as family and friends. Can also help educate doctors)
Issues and Management of Joint Hypermobility
Joint Hypermobility Handbook
(Author: Brad Tinkle)

Awareness Shirts
#Dislocation (t-shirt)
Taking Each Day One Dislocation at a Time (t-shirt)

My Normal with EDS