Thursday, September 6, 2018

Custom Wheelchair

Several months ago we decided that it was time to get evaluated for a custom wheelchair. I was recovering from reconstructive hip surgery and was struggling to regain quad function. I had a standard manual wheelchair but was unable to lift it on my own due to my shoulder instability and as such I was becoming more and more frustrated with my lack of independence. My primary care physician wrote a prescription for a custom wheelchair evaluation with an OT/PT and ATP. I have been working with a company called NuMotion throughout the process.

The evaluation took place in the Spring and involved discussing my medical history and specific needs, as well as taking measurements to see what the best size wheelchair would be for me. We talked through all of the options and ultimately all agreed on a TiLite Aero Z wheelchair.

Custom ultralight wheelchairs are built specifically for the user which makes them much more manageable.

I wanted yellow. But they didn't have yellow. So I got the next best color, BLACK. And I added my own touches of yellow!

I am hoping this wheelchair gives me more freedom and allows me to do more with friends and family.

Wheelchair bag


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