Thursday, October 7, 2010

Now what?

Less than a week until knee surgery in Boston. My mom and I are planning on heading out on Friday to stay with family! Definitely ready to put my knee behind me and refocus on my hips.

I have been experiencing elbow issues lately. When I extend my arm (straighten it) I feel as if something is popping and my elbow literally gets stuck. It's been happening more frequently and is a very uncomfortable feeling..not to mention painful. Cam says it is most likely elbow synovitis which is basically a build up of inflammation and synovial fluid in the joint. The only way to avoid the pain and locking is by keeping my arms flexed--as if that's easy. I am on crutches and my elbows hyperextend as it is, so most of the time I don't even realize when they are "straight." Frustrating!

Hopefully my elbows calm down so that I don't have to spend most of my recovery in a wheelchair!


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