I spoke with my surgeon about my knee and how I am experiencing sharp, stabbing pain around the MPFL graft and in the front of my knee. The pain near the surgical site is new and a bit concerning. I will see him next time we are in Boston for a consult (post-op appointment) but it's possible that I either have scar tissue wrapped around the graft (restricting movement and tightening the ligament) or that a screw is pinching a nerve. The pain in the front of the knee is caused by the tears in the patellar tendon and an effusion. It's likely scar tissue has developed there as well. I have no idea what this means in terms of how to treat it, but more surgery to the left leg is out of the question right now because of RSD. More trauma would cause more problems...more pain!
18 days until we leave for Boston
25 days until RPAO
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
~Mary Anne Radmacher
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