Monday, March 7, 2011

What's your blood type?

I donated my first unit of blood today! Once again, everything went smoothly because I ate a good breakfast and drank plenty of water! 1 down. 1 to go.

I came across an interesting concept today while doing some research on Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Dr. Peter D'Adamo discusses the importance of healthy lifestyle choices--including eating right for your blood type.

Excerpt from Dr. D'Adamo's website (click here to visit)

His research into anthropology, medical history, and genetics led him to conclude that blood type is "the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality, and emotional strength." Dr. D'Adamo explains that the practical application of the blood type "key" is that it enables you to make informed choices about your dietary, exercise, supplement, and even medical treatment plans. With the blood type "road map," these plans can now "correspond to your exact biological profile" and "the dynamic natural forces within your own body." 
Time to make some alterations to my diet! Hopefully it doesn't require adding fish..because that is a no-no!


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