Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1 year post LPAO

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my LPAO. I have been experiencing some groin pain with some of my PT exercises but it's nothing to worry about. My hip gets sore with the weather but I was told that I could always have that problem. I am still lacking in quad strength so walking or standing for a long time gets tiring but this is something I can live with. Otherwise, my left hip feels great and I definitely made the right decision to have this surgery. Unfortunately the rest of my body does not feel so hot!

My shoulder still hurts. This is definitely the longest I have gone with post operative pain. Sleeping is uncomfortable, which just adds to my sleeping problems. I am so tired of only having one functional arm..and my non operative shoulder isn't exactly functional either. My right shoulder still subluxates a lot. I will most likely be having that fixed next summer. I am NOT looking forward to that surgery--I don't know who would--shoulder surgery is very painful. If it were up to me, I'd have another PAO. I seem shoulder surgeon in June to hopefully get out of the pillow sling and start formal PT. I will also see him for my ankles.

I have "sprained" my right ankle twice in the last 2 weeks. Apparently getting out of bed is a strenuous activity for my ankle. My ankles are chronically sprained after continually fracturing and spraining them as a gymnast. I used to fracture/sprain my ankle landing in the foam pit...a landing area to help PREVENT injuries. I have had poor stability for years. Typically rolling my ankle doesn't hurt because the ligaments are so loose/stretched. However, my ankle has been bothering me since I rolled it a couple of days ago. It has also been swollen and slightly bruised--unusual seeing as I don't typically swell or bruise with a sprained or fractured ankle. I will talk to my ankle surgeon in June about the chronic instability.

My right hip has been sore lately. This is likely due to the increased activity--physical therapy! My psoas are angry again. Iliopsoas impingement is NOT an easy problem to fix (at least not with me). I don't respond well to manual therapy and that's the best way to handle the psoas. Hopefully that gets better with time and more strength.

My right knee has stayed in place, which I am very thankful of. Cam tapes my knee (and ankle) after every PT session. It is still very loose and I need to be careful. It will be reevaluated by my knee surgeon in June. Hopefully the instability has not gotten worse since May. My left knee has been doing a lot better. I have officially been cleared of the post-op brace. It only took me 8 months. I still need to build up more strength in my quad but I have reached a functional level of flexion/ROM. We will not push the flexion any further as it is expected that eventually I will regain full range of motion.

My back has been HORRIBLE! My SI joints don't stay in place. Almost immediately after it is put back in, it pops back out. I was told by Cam and Dr. Shiple that I need to wear an SI belt. Hopefully that helps stabilize my pelvic area for now. I can barely sit, stand, and sleep comfortably because of my back pain. The hot tub helps while I am in it but because my SI joints keep subluxating I am continuously throwing my back out of alignment. I need a new back.

My neurocardiogenic syncope has been bad lately. It's possible the excessive heat we have been experiencing has been the problem. Dehydration is a pretty standard trigger for people with syncope and when it's hot and humid (bad enough to warrant a weather statement) it doesn't matter how much you drink, you're still likely to become a little dehydrated.

I have a lot of compounding issues right now. I don't feel like I am making any progress. Once I fix one joint, another joint falls out of place. I am stuck inside what feels like a never ending cycle of problems. Hopefully I can catch a break soon!

My good friend Marcie just had her 2nd PAO yesterday! Please take a moment to say a prayer that her recovery goes smoothly!


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