Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hip Surgery

I have been debating for awhile now about whether or not to have hip surgery this winter. It has been scheduled since this summer but I had not made a final decision. At this point I am leaning more towards having hip surgery over winter break. I was considering holding off and waiting another year, because mentally I could use a break, but realistically that just doesn't seem possible. I have several reasons that are pushing me towards going through with it. For one, the pain in my hip when I walk or weight-bear is awful and I can't see myself going another year with this pain--knowing it could possibly  get worse. My hip gets stuck with just about every step and I am concerned that I am going to trip and fall down the stairs at times. Obviously my other joints would appreciate it if I stayed on my feet. Also, given that my right hip needs to be done as well (for different reasons), it makes more sense to have the left hip fixed now...for the last time. Hopefully within the next year I can finally put my hips behind me and start focusing on maintaining good muscle strength and stability.

Of course going ahead with surgery means another Christmas in which I am in pain and miserable, but I love spending time with my family and I will make the best of it--as I did last year. There will still be lots of Christmas cheer :)

I am hoping the future Christmas' are surgery-free!


  1. Hip replacement surgery is good for those people who are suffering form hip and backbone problems. But its cost is very high.
    Private Knee Surgery

  2. Are you looking for hip replacement video on youtube ?

  3. No, I am not looking for hip replacement videos.
