Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1% Chance

Post-op Day 6 and 7- I am still in the hospital. My hip is doing fairly well! I am able to do the exercises with PT with very little pain! Unfortunately those exercsies are all done lying down as I am unable to get out of bed. I am restricted to bed rest (lying flat) because I have epidural headaches! Epidural/spinal/postural headaches are when there is a small tear in the spinal column that causes spinal fluid to leak. The amounts of spinal fluid needs to be precise and an imbalance causes excruciating headaches when sitting upright or standing! Sitting up in bed causes dizziness and a migraine! Sometimes they can go away within a couple of days and other times more measures need to be taken. Conservative treatments include an increase in caffeine, fluids, and ibprofen. I cannot take ibprofen because it slows bone healing and my hip is still healing! I have tried increasing my caffeine and fluids and have had little improvement. If conserervative treatments fail a blood patch is usually done. Tomorrow (day 8) I will be having a blood patch! With a blood patch they will draw blood and put it in the spot where the epidural was. Hopefully it provides relief and I can leave here either Thursday or Friday!

If I might add- there is a 1% chance of this type of complication from an epidural. I think I'd have to disagree with this statistic because in the last day my mom and I have come across or heard of 6+ cases of people who have had this!

1 comment:

  1. I have gotten epidurals with the last 4 kids and they always tell me that this could happen but for me it didn't. They say it is rare. But in your case that sounds a bit fishy if there have been 6+ cases in that short of a time. HMMMM, kind of makes you wonder.
    I am glad that you may get to be going home. That is always good news to hear.
    By the way I love the monkeys on your blod. It is really fun and upbeat. Hang in there and don't give up.
