Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Goal!

Many of you know that it has been my ambition to become a Sports Medicine Physician-more specifically to become a D.O. much like Dr. Shiple. I have also been considering Orthopedic Surgery as a possible career and would like to keep that option open as well. The fact that I will enter the world of Orthopedics as a professional at some point is a very clear goal of mine. Given my personal experience with both sports injuries and orthopedic surgery it seems only fitting.

What hasn't been clear-until now-is what major or undergraduate path is right for me. Pre-med is always an obvious option but I have never been fully satisfied with the curriculum of pre-med. A simple major in Biology is another popular choice by those planning on attending medical school-but again not the major for me. One of the major reasons I decided to transfer to St. Joseph's University was that it gave me more options in regards to healthcare-more specifically it offers a program called Interdisciplinary Health Services. IHS allows me to customize my own curriculum based on my goals and interests. Another option I have always considered is Nursing. The possibility of nursing was another reason for transferring. A BSN would allow me to be more hands-on and would provide me with a fallback if necessary. However, it wasn't until my recent hospitilization at the Children's Hospital of Boston that everything became very clear to me.

Although, in the long run, I still plan on attending medical school and pursuing a career in orthopedics- I first want to become a pediatric nurse and I want to live in Boston. My goal is to work as a pediatric nurse-specifically within the field of orthopedic surgery-and I want to work at the Children's Hospital of Boston. The experience I had at Children's has had a significant impact on me. Every nurse at Boston Children's was nicer than the next and it was obvious that they were all extremely passionate about their jobs and helping their patients. How will I accomplish this goal? I will most likely be majoring in Interdisciplinary Health Services and will complete a 2 year accelerated Nursing program. I will then graduate with a dual degree- a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Health Services and a BSN (nursing).

One of my fellow Hip Chicks inspired me to write this post! It may be a dream right now but I can make it a reality!

1 comment:

  1. That is what inspired me to be a nurse as well and to want to be a labor delivery nurse. When I had my daughter I loved the experience I had and the nurses were so great that I decided that I wanted to be a nurse.
    I also think that is good start. It is like you said more hands on. I also have my BSN. I am not currently working though, just a mommy right now. I think you would be a wonderful pediatric nurse and working in the ortho. department would be even more detailed to what you want.
