Thursday, June 24, 2010


I had PT with Cam this morning for my knee pain! He did some myofascial release of the IT band and surrounding tendons and muscles-very painful. One of the major reasons for my pain is the current position of my kneecap. My patella is tilted due to the extreme tightness of my muscles and tendons. When I activate these muscles they pull my kneecap towards the outside. Cam put a pen on both kneecaps to test this. With normal alignment the pen should appear as if it is lying flat (as if on a table). With my left knee the pen tilts up. He also drew some lines on my knee to show me-although it was pretty obvious when seeing the pen. He taped the kneecap for now to see if we can alleviate some of the pain but this isn't a permanent fix. It won't be easy to realign my kneecap-especially given the current situation with my hip. I see Dr. Shiple on Tuesday and Cam will explain everything to him as well. Hopefully we can come up with a plan as to how to get my kneecap back to where it's supposed to be!


  1. Just when you think you have heard it all. I feel so bad for you. But you seem to be so positive through everything. Something many of us would struggle with. It is good that at least you know what is wrong with your knee. I just hope that they will be able to do something about, even if it is just temporarily for now. I am thinking of you.

  2. Thanks Katie! How are your knees and hips holding up? I will find out more on Tuesday when I see my doctor. I'll update you on Hip Chicks when I have a plan.

    How's the morning sickness?
