Thursday, July 15, 2010

Busy Bee

Tomorrow is a VERY busy day for me. I have PT at 10-which means more pain, a consultation for acupuncture at 12:40, and a hair appointment at 2. We also have family friends visiting tomorrow which I am really looking forward to. Hopefully I am not in too much pain to enjoy their visit.

My therapist figured out why I felt like 500 hornets were attacking my knee (after 46 injections). After the injections I was given an instant ice pack to use while I waited to be picked up as my knee was extremely swollen and painful. The ice pack was leaking chemicals all over my injection sites and leg. Of course! At least it's good to know I wasn't reacting that way because of the injections. However, it doesn't seem like the injections are working too well. I am in just as much pain as before if not more due to increased swelling. I'd really rather not go through that again!

My mom and I are heading up to Boston on Tuesday night. I have my post-op appointment on Thursday and I am meeting up with two Hip Chick friends for lunch (we all have appointments next week). I am really looking forward to meeting them. I am expecting good news regarding my hip and hopefully some restrictions are lifted. I may even be able to start formal PT. I still have no hip pain to speak of which is a really good feeling. My right hip isn't doing well but with my knee pain I just ignore it. I'll take care of that this winter.

On a side note and completely irrelevant: I recently made the switch from a PC to a mac after 30+ people told me I was missing out. Okay so maybe it wasn't 30 people but it was pretty clear I was wasting my time trying to fix my laptop. I now have an adorable macbook pro that I am trying to learn how to use. I have been with PC since I first learned how to use a computer so this is new territory for me. At least I have PLENTY of time to get acquainted with a new operating system.


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