Monday, July 19, 2010

Knee or Hip?

I just got back from physical therapy. For once I didn't leave in tears which must be a good thing. I worked on some standing with Cam although it was probably considered "fake" because I barely applied any weight. We talked about my post-op appointment this Thursday. Cam said that if I am cleared to start PT for my hip then I may have to push through the knee pain. Dr. Shiple will have to confirm that pushing past the pain won't cause anymore damage. He is concerned about my hip not progressing and healing properly because I haven't been able to weight-bear. I may need to get back into the gymnastics mentality of "no pain, no gain" and ignore the knee pain while I start to rehab my hip. I will still continue with PT for my knee but it will have to be on separate days. Basically, I will be spending 4-5 days at Excel.

I no longer have PT tomorrow which I am thrilled about! Cam doesn't think it will do me any good. Instead I have an appointment with Dr. Shiple for the 2nd round of injections..yay! I also have an appointment with Dr. Brown (my PCP) to have my health packet filled out for school and discuss my dizzy spells that I have had since the hospital.

I leave tomorrow to head up to Boston. I will be staying with my aunt and uncle again which I am excited about. I love spending time with family. Thursday is my post-op appointment. I expect good news as I haven't had any hip pain since I woke up from surgery! My knee complicates everything. I should have some restrictions lifted, be given more weight-bearing privileges, and be cleared for formal PT. However, the weight-bearing is going to be a challenge because my kneecap pops out with very little force. Maybe Dr. Kim will have a solution to that. It'll be nice to finally talk to him about everything and see how he thinks I am progressing. He has been out of the country for the last month and left after my surgery for a conference.


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