Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I am heading to Boston tomorrow for my post-op appointment/knee evaluation on Thursday. My hip and knee are not doing well and I am a little concerned for what they might say. I have been having severe groin pain (same as before and after my scope) and knee pain.

The dysplasia pain I had before surgery is gone and I am thrilled about that. I definitely know that doing the PAO was the right decision and will absolutely have it done on my right hip as well. I just wonder if my LPAO should have been combined with a scope to check for a possible tear. If my labrum is torn again (most likely from my fall in March) I will probably need another scope to fix it as I don't respond well to conservative treatments.

***Recap: In March I had my first hip surgery to correct a severely torn labrum and FAI--this was an arthroscopic procedure. At about 3 weeks post-op I had a fall followed by excruciating groin pain. The biggest concern for both my surgeon and myself was another labral tear or damage to the capsule. It is likely the capsule was torn but because my surgeon used anchors to repair the labrum the MRI was inconclusive. He wasn't convinced it was torn, yet wasn't ruling out a possible tear either. It was just too soon to tell. We decided to go ahead with the osteotomy, understanding I would need it done no matter what, yet we knew that it was possible that my left hip may not be done after a PAO. We are all hoping and praying that the pain I am experiencing now is not an indicator of a tear and that I don't need another surgery on my left.

As for my knee- it feels more unstable and subluxes more frequently. I saw Dr. Shiple today and we did another set of injections although they really don't seem to be working. Both Cam and Dr. Shiple feel that when my quad returns to normal function and strength my knee will stabilize--how much and will it be enough to stop the subluxations is to be determined. However, Dr. Shiple is worried that my MPFL ligament is overly stretched or partially torn (a result of my frequent partial dislocations). For me, given EDS, a very stretched ligament is almost, if not just as bad as a torn one. I have a script for an MRI which I am hoping to get done tomorrow. It typically takes a week for me to schedule an appointment but I will see what I can do. My surgeon would like the scan for my visit with him and I fly out to Boston tomorrow night.

Although I LOVE LOVE LOVE Boston I am not looking forward to this visit. That is most likely because I don't expect good news. Hopefully I am wrong and I can post an update after my appointment saying that everything is going according to plan. Either way there will be a post about the appointment later this week!

Praying for a good outcome and a treatment plan!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill, my name is Emma and I am much younger than you but i feel kind of how you feel because I too have EDS and Dr. Yen is doing my hip surgery on the 2nd of november I have already had 2 shoulder surgeries, but this is how are lives are. I have never me anyone with EDS before (:
