Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And the list continues...

Yesterday was an unfortunate day. While getting out of bed something in the front of my (operative) knee popped. Immediately I had sharp (knife stabbing) pains just below my kneecap and was unable to bend it. I called Cam who gave me some passive mobilization exercises to work on, and then Dr. Shiple who fit me in to see him during lunch today. The word "tear" pretty much follows every doctors appointment I have and yes that stayed true today as well. I have tendonosis in my patellar tendon and potentially 1-3 tears. It's hard to be sure if that's the only damage because an ultrasound is not the most accurate scan. I have e-mailed my knee surgeon and will see what he says.

I mentioned to Dr. Shiple that I have been experiencing (for quite some time now) severe burning pains on my thigh, knee, and calf that make moving or touching the leg unbearable. They come at random times and sometimes only last a couple of minutes. Unfortunately, sometimes they last longer. He said that I am in the beginning stages for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and I will need to see a nerve (neurologist) specialist in the near future. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a chronic pain disorder. CRPS is marked by intense burning or aching pain. Patients may also experience swelling, skin discoloration, altered temperature, abnormal sweating and hypersensitivity in the affected area.

So the list continues...

1 comment:

  1. Good thing that you caught CRPS early enough. Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial to limit the disability from the disease. Hang in there!
    crps pain
