Monday, April 11, 2011

The BIG 2-1

Tomorrow marks 3 weeks post RPAO and left knee repair. I am definitely noticing a difference in my energy levels.  I have been able to go on a couple of outings lately. It's great to get out of the house. On Saturday we went to The Farmhouse for my family birthday dinner. It's one of my favorite restaurants! Yesterday I went to Shane's soccer game. It was the first round of the state tournament- they won 5-1!

In terms of post-operative pain, I am still getting by on 2 Tylenol a day. Piriformis syndrome is really the only noticeable pain--and it's rather annoying. I find that when I am sitting for a long time my hip (or butt) pops when I stand up and it's followed by a knife stabbing sharp pain--deep in my butt. Other than an angry piriformis muscle, my hip doesn't really bother me! 

My knee feels so much better than before surgery. I don't have the same ripping pain when weight-bearing and I feel less restricted in terms of motion. ROM is still difficult but I have more passive range of motion than before the 2nd surgery. Active ROM is still painful but definitely easier. My kneecap tracks correctly and I am working with Cam to regain the lost quad strength on the left. I still wear a stabilizing brace on the right knee to prevent dislocations. I continue to do quad squeezes on the right but it's painful because my kneecap doesn't track correctly. This seems to be the same progression as my left knee, the only difference is that I am wearing a brace BEFORE my kneecap decides to subluxate. My joints have a mind of their own. Time to work on some body/mind control exercises to reconnect everything to one central place--the brain!

CRPS/RSD Update: There was concern going into my 2nd knee surgery that my RSD would spread or get worse. The good news is it hasn't spread. Bad news- the hypersensitivity in my left knee is horrible. I can barely touch my knee without severe burning. I have also noticed that my left leg has been sweating A LOT more than before surgery...and significantly more than the right leg. I have increased my Neurontin to 1600mg (next week 1800). I will be calling the pain clinic at Children's to make an appointment to see my CRPS specialist. I saw him before my surgeries in March and he is wonderful. He was the first pain specialist on the Ehlers Danlos Syndrome National Foundation board, so he truly understands my complicated case. Hopefully we can come up with a plan for the RSD and get it under control. 

I see Dr. Shiple tomorrow for my first post-op appointment. He will check my incisions and surrounding area to make sure everything is healing nicely. I will not be having an x-ray because I have a post-op with my PAO surgeon in 3 weeks. At that time I will have my first post-op films to see how the bones are healing.  I will also see my knee and shoulder surgeons. 

Today is my 21st birthday! I plan on going to a restaurant/bar with a couple of friends. I will be going in style in my wheelchair! Just because I am recovering from 2 surgeries doesn't mean I can't celebrate like everyone else!

"A disability may slow you down, but it does not have to stop you from doing what you want to do. Sometimes you just have to do it differently."

Happy Birthday to ME!


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