Thursday, April 14, 2011


The title says it all. Why then did I completely disregard a very clear message and continue to sleep on my heating pad? Because I have chronic back pain, recurrent SI joint subluxations, muscle spasms, and several ribs out of place on any given day. To me a heating pad is a godsend. It eases my back pain and allows me to sleep--at least when my other joints aren't causing their own problem. I have been sleeping on my heating pad for over a year and cannot sleep without it. Unfortunately, I am no longer allowed to use a heating pad (or any type of heat on my back) at all because it branded me with what has been called "Toasted Skin Syndrome." No, this is not a joke! I describe it as a beehive patterned "burn" all over my back. It is brown in some areas and pink/red in others but doesn't hurt. My mom bought me Skin Gel-Ultimate Skin Treatment and 100% organic healing lotion (recommended by the lovely man at the Natural Foods store--he knew exactly what she was describing and what products would be the most helpful). I hope my beehive heating pad burn will disappear before it's time to put a bikini on! It is definitely not what I had in mind to bring with me to the beach.


As I mentioned above in my rant about my heating pad, my right SI joint has subluxated...again. It is so far out of place that I can barely move. I have radiating pain down the back of my legs and severe muscle spasms. I can't seem to find a comfortable position. I had PT today and talked to Cam about my options. He did some muscular control techniques but agreed that it is pretty far out. There is a noticeable difference in the rotation of my pelvis. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to reduce it because I have 3 fractures in my right hip. Not being able to use the heating pad means no relief and no sleep.

I saw Dr. Shiple on Tuesday for my post-op appointment. Everything looks good! 

I have an appointment with the pain clinic on the same day as my pre-op appointment for my shoulder. Hopefully we can come up with a plan to get my RSD under control before the hypersensitivity spreads to the rest of my leg. 

"Next time you're stressed, take a step back, inhale, and laugh. Remember who you are and why you're here. You're never given anything in this world that you can't handle. Be strong, be flexible, love yourself, and love others. Always remember, just keep moving forward."

Here are some photos from my birthday! 


  1. Sorry to hear you got burned! I often complain about the automatic 1-hour shutoff on my heating pad... but I guess it really IS there for our safety. While you are unable to use heat, you might try ice. My physical therapist last year suggested it for my lower back pain, and I was skeptical because I always thought ice was only for immediately after an injury. Heat is more relaxing, but if you can get used to the ice, it will help some too.

  2. My heating pad had 2 options- 2 hour shut off and no timer..I always chose no timer! Thanks for the suggestion. I actually can't use ice because of the burn. One of the biggest mistakes people make after a burn is icing the area..this can actually lead to frostbite and other skin damage! I guess next time I will listen to the warnings.

  3. Hey girlie!

    I hope the lotions/gels are helping! That has to suck so bad. I know how feels to have your go-to relief and then it is taken away. I hope relief comes to you soon and that the pain team will be able to help with CRPS. I hope we will be able to work something out and meet up in Boston! Love you!

  4. I have recently developed a muscle spasm in my mid back and its been on going for two week. I'm taking muscle relaxers and pain killers but its still painful. I and going to physical therapy, unfortunately they couldn't fit me in except for in two weeks! I too use a heating pad to sleep on cause it helps me sleep and relieves the pain . Try biofreeze that helps some, but only last about 20 minutes. My question to you is, what temperature do you use? I've been trying to use low so I don't get burned..

    I suggested you get aquaphor its an amazing healing ointment for burns and dry skin and vitamin e that you can rub on it. Hope your burns go away! And thanks for the warning!

  5. Hi Meg!

    I have biofreeze. Unfortunately it only really gave me relief when I was competing in gymnastics. Now I need heat all the time to release some tension. When I got burned I was using HIGH, but now I don't go above 2 at night which is very low. I also don't keep it on all night anymore which is definitely a better solution.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will absolutely check that out! I used a healing lotion and 100% Natural Aloe.

  6. I hope everything gets better! I'm 21 and just got diagnosed with eds type III about 2 months ago. SPent most of my life being told I was lazy, had growing pains, or just making everything up. I wish heat or ice would help! Since I'm only 21 (and the eds causes me to have such insanely high tolerance for pain medication) no doctors will give me any sort of muscle relaxers, pain medications, or anxiety meds. It's so frustrating!

  7. Hey, I came across your page while I was googling if I could use a heating pad 4 weeks post op from ankle surgery. I too have back pain from scoliosis and sciatica pain and have fallen asleep with a heating pad, mine didn't have a timer just off, low,medium and HOT painful. Hope you are doing ok these days...

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    lower back pain and muscle spasms
