Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School...

...back to school, to prove to dad that I'm not a fool.

Lately, I have been really overwhelmed and stressed with everything in my life. On top of the recent setback with my hips, and ongoing pain and dislocations in my knees, I am starting back at school this week for the first time in a year and a half (*for those of you who don't know--I took a year and a half off of school for various surgeries*). While I am mentally ready to get back into the swing of things and have a structured schedule, I am not physically all. It's frustrating that I am still not physically stable or mobile after spending the last 2 years stabilizing joints--oh, the joys of EDS. I have, however, run out of time and can no longer withdraw or take a leave of absence. I think the fact that I no longer have a safety net (leave of absence, withdrawal), is what's making this semester seem even more overwhelming. I have been "stuck" in the same routine/schedule for the last 2 years--surgery, recovery, PT, Boston, repeat--a schedule no one wants--but one I have become accustomed to. While I am glad my next two surgeries aren't for another 4 months, I am concerned about my physical capabilities on a college campus. The commute is about an hour each way and I will be a full time student---taking 5 classes. I am also worried about recovering from 2 major reconstructive surgeries this December, knowing that I will also be a full time student in the spring.  It's a lot less stressful and reassuring when you don't have a time restriction for recovery. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about that for a couple of months.

Due to Hurricane Irene and the flooding and power outages experienced in our area, the first day of classes was cancelled and moved to Tuesday. I don't have any classes on Tuesday, so my first day of school is Wednesday. I have PT three times this week, as usual, and will schedule Hivamat as well. My hip and knee pain have been getting worse. If I don't notice any improvements or changes in the next few weeks, I will e-mail my surgeons to see what the next step is. We will also be contacting Boston soon to schedule my right knee and ankle surgeries for December (after finals). It's going to be a long and tiring week...and I only have 3 days of classes. I am, however, very excited to see Shane this weekend in Rhode Island. My mom and I are traveling to Bryant to see his first games of the season!

I will be meeting with the disabilities director of Saint Joe's this week to discuss my limitations and see what accommodations can be made. The good news is, my classes are only in 2 buildings--which are located next to each other. I can park right outside of the buildings in the handicap spot. That will be a HUGE help.

Tomorrow I will be meeting one of Dr. Shiple's EDS patients for lunch! I am excited to finally meet her and get to know her story. I just hope I can get around the major flooding.

On Friday I picked up my new knee brace--Bledsoe 20.50! So far I love it--as much as you can actually love a brace. It's not as bulky as the previous braces and doesn't cover my skin/knee with fabric. It also helps the kneecap track correctly when going through flexion.


  1. Hi Jill! Wishing you luck at school when it starts this week! Love you, Uncle Kevin

  2. Thanks Uncle Kevin! Love you :)

  3. Nice brace. I use these amazing compression shorts some days the stabilizer ventilater
    I also have hip flexor problems I found the gokhake method exercise on using the inner corset helps
    Gentle hugs
