Friday, August 26, 2011


Heavenly Father
Walk through my house, and take away all my worries and any illnesses, and please watch over and heal my family and friends. Bring quiet where there is chaos; bring light where there is darkness and put love in our hearts.
So very powerful. For those of you who are struggling--whether it be emotionally or physically--don't forget about the power of prayer, faith, and God. Reach out, pray, and ask for guidance and help! If you don't believe in God and/or you don't believe in prayer...believe in the power of positive [[healing]] energy. Substitute the word "prayer" with "thoughts." You are allowed to ask for assistance and guidance. It does not make you a weaker person. I think it makes you stronger. Releasing anger, stress, and anxiety and allowing someone else to take some of the power and control takes courage and strength!

Today I spoke with a very close friend. Someone who has known me my entire life, and someone I have always been able to talk to. I opened up about my overwhelming stress and pain. She reminded me that I am not alone. I have an amazing support system with my family and friends, doctors/surgeons, therapists, but of course...and perhaps most importantly---God. We talked about faith, prayer, God, and stories about God's presence in our lives. I am a faithful and positive person. I try to see the bright side in situations. Positive energy and faith helps me accept EDS and the impact it has had on my life. I have my moments of self-pity...wishing I didn't have EDS and everything that comes with it. But I don't live everyday like that. 

During my phone conversation I had a God moment. I received an e-mail from someone who is also struggling with EDS--someone I have never met. She told me she prays for me every night and thanked me for my blog. I received this e-mail in the middle of talking about God and prayer. For me that showed God's presence in my life. He reminded me that He is listening and that I am surrounded by loving and caring people. I am not isolated or alone. It truly means a lot to know that there are other people praying for me...and I will absolutely include them in my prayers as well. 


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