Friday, January 27, 2012

Time Out!

I will be taking a break from blogging for a little while. I have a lot of school work and I need to focus on something other than pain, EDS, and disorders. Yes, it is always present as it is hard to ignore a shoulder dislocating everyday or a headache that doesn't seem like it is going to go away. However, I just need to take a step back from constantly filling my mind with the negatives, even when I view EDS and my life positively. Writing a blog post involves me remembering and acknowledging the pain and syndromes I have. It is very helpful and it is an outlet I am proud of...but for now, I need to focus my energy on my classes.

Also, there is not much to update on right now. I am recovering from surgery and have not started PT. I am decreasing my Neurontin. I will post occasionally if new information surfaces or if I feel it is important. For example, I have a post-op appointment in 2 weeks--expect an update around then. I am always available to reach by e-mail if you have questions. I have some regular e-mail followers and I am still happy to answer questions and discuss your situation. (click the star on the right hand side to e-mail me).

I would appreciate it if I don't receive e-mails asking me how I am. I am fine! I am recovering from surgery. With that comes challenges. As I mentioned, if something surfaces I will post. Otherwise, I don't want to talk about MY pain and MY struggles. However, I have no problem discussing your situation.

I will be back...when the time is right :)


  1. Hi Jilly Bean,

    Great idea! Also, It might be a good idea to think of it as THE pain and THE struggles etc rather than MY ,,,,It distances you from being so close it all. I learned this when I was dealing w/a depression a few years ago. Love, Mimi

  2. I do refer to it as THE this case I was just emphasizing that I didn't want to talk about ME.


  3. Ya know you remind me a lot of myself, my friends constantly ask me for advice, come to me with problems, etc but i never really tell anyone else whats going on with me. Its funny because some of my friends think im just perfect and have nothing wrong with me but little do they know that im in chronic pain. I just try not to let it get me down, in fact i still weight lift through the pain and just benched 170 lbs today. Have a great recovery and good luck with school!!

  4. Thanks :)

    Best of luck to you!
