Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bumped Up

I just learned this week that my surgery was actually scheduled 4 days earlier than we had planned for and expected. We are still crossing our fingers that there will be a cancellation for the correct date, but if that does not happen I will still go ahead with surgery.

Because of the earlier date I have been working really hard to get everything done for my classes. I will likely head to Boston on Thursday after the completion of my finals.

We are going to try to make this an outpatient surgery. All of my surgeries have been inpatient at Children's so this will be the first time not staying over night. This will of course depend on my ability to maintain a stable blood pressure and O2 post-op. This is something that may pose a challenge but I am determined to be discharged without having to be admitted. Of course, I am prepared for the possibility that this may not work out, and I understand that if that's the case I will be admitted-- hopefully only for one night.


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