Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Summer of Surgeries

Wow! It's been awhile since my last update.

I saw my surgeons over Spring Break. We discussed my hips, right knee and right ankle. The left hip is still snapping and hurts quite a bit with the snapping but this may always be the case as I learned that my femurs are twisted. My surgeon mentioned possibly releasing the tendon some more but I would rather give the hip more time to fully recover before making that decision. Jumping into another left hip surgery will likely just result in more problems. 

The right side will have a lot of work done this summer and the plan is to do everything all at once. This means a longer surgery and probably slightly longer inpatient stay. I would prefer having everything done at once rather than having to split everything up--especially seeing as it is all on the same leg. 

Here's a breakdown of the right leg...

Right Hip: As mentioned in previous posts, I will be having a scope to repair a labral tear and FAI. At the same time my ITB will also be released (same as the most recent left hip surgery). 

Right Ankle: There are definitely areas in the right ankle that need to be fixed and cleaned up. The ankle is still very painful and I have been in a boot for the last few months. I will probably remain in the boot until the surgery as I really can't walk very far without it. 

Right Knee: I have quite a bit of arthritis and cartilage damage under the kneecap. I will have a scope to clean out the damaged cartilage to avoid more arthritic changes and I will have my MPFL graft elongated. 

Again, the plan is to have everything done at once. This should make scheduling easier as both surgeons would be involved regardless of the breakdown.

Now that we have a plan for the surgeries, I need to figure out what summer courses to register for...this is proving to be a lot more difficult than I had expected. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Jill! I love you very much. Love, Uncle Kevin
