Monday, July 29, 2013

Ankle PT

I had my first physical therapy session today for my ankle. We decided it would be a good idea to start sooner rather than later in an effort to avoid losing anymore muscle strength and prevent a possible permanent foot drop. Fortunately, there is no anatomical reason why my ankle cannot flex, meaning with time and more passive ROM the movement will return. This is good news. It means everyone can stop assuming there was a complication with surgery and I get to stay out of a hard cast. The goal right now is to get the ankle flexing on its own and be able to tolerate wearing the boot. Once in the boot I can begin walking again. While we did receive good news at PT, it was incredibly painful. The area around the peroneal tendon is extremely sore whenever someone touches it, which doesn't mix well with my therapists' thumbs. 

I am still waiting to hear back from Boston as to when I may be having the hip scope. The hope is that there is an opening in 2 weeks but nothing is set yet. 

66 more days until the Bruins first game of the 2013-2014 NHL season!


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