Sunday, December 1, 2013

AFO and Ankle

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had my final fitting for my AFO brace. I have been wearing it for almost two weeks now and so far I have noticed a significant difference in my ankle pain, or lack thereof. Since wearing the AFO my lower leg is finally straight and my toes point forward when I walk. This new positioning of my leg takes a tremendous amount of strain off my ankle and hence why the pain has been nonexistent. I typically don't wear the AFO around my house, and often find myself complaining about my ankle pain more. So I know the AFO is working. 

The only problem I am having with the AFO is that now that my lower leg is straight, it seems to be highlighting other structural abnormalities…namely my anteverted femurs. I feel a lot of pulling and snapping in both my right hip and right knee as a result of this change. This is something that may improve with time. 

Also, as I said in my last post…I will not be having my final hip and knee surgeries in December. Instead they will be pushed to March. I don't know if my ankle will be included as well. 


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