Thursday, November 14, 2013

AFO and Cast

I haven't updated in awhile. I have been so busy with this semester that I haven't had time to focus on anything else. This post will be short as there isn't much to report on.

I was originally scheduled to have several surgeries in December. I will now have those surgeries next year in the spring.

I am scheduled for my final fitting for my AFO brace on Monday. The goal is for the AFO to straighten my leg out and take away the pressure on my ankle--a result of compensating (due to alignment issues). I am excited to get out of the walking boot (2 years is too long).

I dislocated my thumb. I am currently in cast. Typically when I dislocate a joint, it continues to pop out. The goal of the cast was to prevent the repeated dislocations and give my thumb a chance to "calm down." Hopefully that's actually what happens.


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