Friday, June 18, 2010

Knee Pain

Unfortunately my knee problems continue to get worse. While doing my daily muscle strengthening exercises that I was given while in the hospital I started to have an uncomfortable feeling in my left knee (operative side). I was doing simple quad squeezes when I felt like my kneecap was out of alignment. Everytime I tightened my quad my kneecap would shift. I felt as if it was grinding against something and it seemed to "catch". It wasn't horribly painful during the exercises just very uncomfortable. However for the rest of the night I had severe knee pain and throbbing. I iced for awhile and had very little relief. I have contacted my therapist and Dr. Shiple to see what can be done given my current hip restrictions. I will have to wait until Monday to hear back from Dr. Shiple. Cam gave me some patellar mobilizations that I can try but without a proper exam there is not much more he can do! I will continue to ice and hopefully have some relief. I will be contacting Dr. Kim as well to see if he has any suggestions. Given my hip abnormalities it is not uncommon for knee problems to arise.


  1. Sometimes my knees bother me but I just assumed that it was from my hips hurting and causing referred pain. This sounds crazy but sometimes my right will lock up on me or send some horrible shooting pains. But I didn't think much of it because it doesn't occur that much and figured it was insignificant. But now reading what you write, it would make sense if it had something to do with the hip issue. If it isn't one thing then it is another. Why can't things just be simple, it would make it so much easier and less complicated. But that would be too easy.
    Today the girls, my mom, and I all went shopping at the Carter Outlet mall. It was a lot of fun. They had all their summer clothes on sale. Emma was being really stubborn. I told her I would buy her a new nightgown. But she insisted on the dolly that was only 25% off. I told her she had enough dollies at home to love. But she didn't want to hear about it. Instead she kept being persistant and then grandma ended up giving in. Grandma's spoil grandkids well. And I still bought her the nightie.
    I didn't feel real great today. Breakfast came back up. It wasn't fun at all. I haven't been real sick in the mornings, more in the late mornings is when it would hit. But just here lately, I wake up and run to the bathroom. Maybe it means it is almost done. i feel like I am on a rollercoaster right now.
    I hope your knee starts to cooperate and feel better so you can get through the weekend. I will say some extra prayers for you.

  2. I am sorry to hear that your still feeling sick! That must be horrible on top of hip and knee pain!

    I talked to Dr. Kim's PA today and she wants me to see my doctor for an evaluation. She said patients with hip abnormalities often have knee pain before and/or after a major reconstructive hip surgery as a lot of the tendons, ligaments, and muscles are connected to the femur, knee, and hip. I was already told that I have an extremely tight IT band which could account for some of the tracking issues with my knee but it's hard to say without a proper examination. It's also not clear that my appointment will lead us anywhere at this time because I still have a lot of restrictions regarding my post-operative hip care.

    I will update you after my appointment (which I haven't scheduled yet). I hope you have a relaxing weekend free from feeling sick and no hip pain!
