Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post-op day 0-1

Yesterday (post-op day 0) I had my RPAO and left knee surgery- both surgeries went well.  My hip surgeon cleaned out some scar tissue that was restricting motion, elongated the graft, and removed a bundle of sutures. My PAO surgeon said the hip surgery went very smoothly. I went from a center edge angle of about 14 to 30. He did not open up the capsule to fix the labral tear and FAI. This is because opening the capsule increases instability and with EDS I have enough instability. If down the road I am still having pain related to the tear and impingement my hip surgeon will perform a scope.

Last night was absolutely horrible. I was quite possibly in the worst pain of my life. I felt as if someone was chopping my leg off with an ax. I met with the pain team several times throughout the night and had the levels of the epidural changed. We finally found a level that worked but my blood pressure dropped to 84/34 and the nurses and pain team were not comfortable with those numbers. Fortunately for the remainder of the night (3am to 6am) the pain was not horrible.

Today is post-op day 1. My epidural is very confused. Instead of numbing my hip/pelvis, it is taking care of nonexistent pain in the rest of my leg--particularly my foot. The pain team and my nurse have been adjusting numbers all day and adding other medications to try and get the pain under control. I am still in excruciating pain--I can't move, cough, sneeze, or laugh without feeling like my leg is being chopped off and my incision ripped open. I am praying for some relief because the epidural will be taken out in 2 days and I will be expected to get out of bed for physical therapy.

I had my favorite nurse Chris today! Unfortunately I wont see him again until Monday!

"I am too positive to be doubtful..too optimistic to be fearful..and too determined to be defeated."

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope you get some relief, ok a lot of relief from the pain. That would be horrible. My heart goes out to you.
