Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 Weeks Post-Op

Today marks 4 weeks post-op from my RPAO and knee revision surgery. I am down to only taking Tylenol when needed. My groin is a little sore but that is to be expected. Muscles and ligaments were cut and they are still healing. Overall my hip is doing well and my incision looks great. My knee feels so much better than before surgery. ROM is still difficult but I don't have ripping pain anymore. Cam was even able to do some forceful ROM today, which I haven't been able to tolerate since October.
 (incision 4 weeks post-op)

Unfortunately my back is still killing me and there is no way to get my SI joint back in place. This makes sleeping nearly impossible and moving very difficult. My right kneecap has been shifting and the quad has atrophied even more. I have also been dealing with a subluxating fibula on the right side. It causes major swelling and pain. Cam taped it (kinsesio tape) to provide some more support. The stabilizing brace I wear to prevent patella subluxations does not provide stabilization or support for the fibula.

I am up to 1800mg of Neurontin for my RSD. The hypersensitivity is still very painful and even the slightest touch can trigger a flare. I can't "sleep" with a blanket on my leg and most of the time I wear shorts. I will see my pain specialist at Children's after my pre-op appointment on May 2nd.

The burn on my back has gotten significantly better! I use an all natural aloe gel and a 100% Organic healing lotion that not only helps treat burns, but is great for muscle aches and joint pain related to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. It was quite a shock to read the label and see EDS listed. I owe the guy at the Natural Foods store a HUGE thank you!

(click image to view larger)

My pre-syncope episodes have been more frequent but I have been able to pick up on more triggers. Going from hot temperature to cold, postural changes, and not having enough salt in my diet on a given day are all known triggers at this point. It's very important to know my triggers so that I can stay on top of my symptoms.

I leave for Boston next week. All of my appointments are set up! It will be a long week of consults and post-ops but I will have a better idea of what to expect with my shoulder surgery. I also hope to have a plan for my right knee and how to stay on top of my instability. Hopefully we can get on top of my RSD as well! I will be meeting another Hip Chick while in Boston. My friend Katie Saville is having her PAO on May 2nd with Dr. Millis. I am very excited to meet her. I will be visiting her during her stay on 10NW.

My best friend Marena is coming to visit me next week! She was my roommate in the hospital and we are both 4 weeks post-op. It should be an interesting week. We will both be in a wheelchair for outings and still need assistance doing everyday tasks.

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. Even if you fall down in the process, take the moment to learn and push harder."


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