Thursday, July 5, 2012

Shoulder Surgery

I will be having right shoulder surgery in August. This means I will start the Fall semester in the pillow sling and will have a driver again for the first 3 weeks or so. During this surgery my surgeon will also be taking my knee screws out and further releasing the muscle that has caused a hernia.

I am ready to have my right shoulder fixed and I am happy with this decision. I am not sure I would have been able to sign up for 6 more months of dislocations, if we were to wait until December.

This will be my first right shoulder surgery and 3rd shoulder surgery altogether! I am very confident that the surgery will work, as the surgery that was performed on my left shoulder has been doing wonderfully. It will be the same procedure for the most part. The only differences would be if I have any tears that need to be repaired.


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